There are 6 types of headings supported in Markdown using #
I know, just a bunch of headings won't satisfy your thirst for formatting. Here you go!
You know lists, right?
For those code-mongers out there, presenting Code Blocks:
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import "./index.css";
import App from "./App";
<App />
Inline Code like let name="Yash"
You can use links in Markdown. Use case?
Curious about who made this? This dude! He's awesome 😎
You can also put images, prefixing the same syntax as above with an '!' mark.
Wait, didn't I tell you this works with GIFs too? Oops!
Well, generally this is used to highlight something IMPORTANT. Like a quote or something...
But you can use it with anything, literally, no one cares. 🙂
You can have nested blockquotes with other formatting. If it looks ugly, it's on you!
I knew you were looking for this. Have it!
Name | Age |
Yash Soni | 26 |
John Doe | 30 |
Found something that's not right? Raise an issue here.
This would not be possible without react-markdown. Thanks a ton!
Made with ❤️ in 🇮🇳